Nathalie Normandeau could lose her PLQ membership card

Authorities for the Quebec Liberal Party (PLQ) will review the follow-up to the arrest of former Deputy Prime Minister Nathalie Normandeau this week, a spokesman said.

The Legal Affairs Committee and the Ethics Committee, which are dealing with the matter, could in particular make a recommendation on whether or not Ms Normandeau’s membership status should be maintained, said Maxime Roy.

“When you are a member of a party, you adhere to certain values,” he said. Taking into account exceptional circumstances such as those that have arisen [jeudi]we want to know what we can do, what we would recommend if necessary, for example whether she should remain a member or not. »

Ms Normandeau, who was arrested on Thursday along with six others and then released on a promise to appear in court on charges of corruption, fraud against the government and breach of trust, cannot be punished under the provisions of the PLQ code of ethics, Mr Roy said.

These sanctions, which can include expulsion from the PLQ, do not apply to ordinary members of the group, he explained.

The Code of Ethics applies only to officials, and Ms Normandeau was no longer part of those functions.

A quote from Maxime Roy, spokesperson for the PLQ

The PLQ Code of Ethics establishes provisions requiring its representatives to respect the law, act with integrity and respect institutions, and to disclose any situation that could give rise to a conflict of interest.

These provisions cover, among others, parliamentarians, members of committees and commissions and political personnel, but do not provide for any specific rules in the event of arrests or criminal charges.

In case of a violation of the Code, the Ethics Committee may impose sanctions ranging from a warning to suspension, dismissal or exclusion from the PLQ.

In light of the UPAC arrests, the PLQ Legal Commission and its Ethics Committee have nevertheless taken up Ms Normandeau’s file, the spokesman said in a telephone interview on Friday.

“Given the exceptional circumstances, the Legal Affairs Commission has referred the matter to the Ethics Commission,” he said. They will investigate. »

“Extraordinary circumstances”

According to the spokesperson, these “exceptional circumstances” are related to the importance of the functions that Ms Normandeau, who was a Liberal MP from 1998 to 2011, performed within the political party.

“We just want to keep improving, so they will look at this like multiple dossiers in each area to see if they can make recommendations,” he said.

Mr Roy did not elaborate on the nature of the recommendations the Legal Affairs Committee and the Ethics Committee might make to the National Liberal leadership.

“They will not make a decision but will check whether there are any recommendations,” he said.

Ms Normandeau is the only PLQ member among the seven people arrested this week by the Permanent Anti-Corruption Unit (UPAC).

According to Mr Roy, former minister and liberal organizer Marc-Yvan Côté was not a member of the political party. Mr Côté last participated in fundraising events more than five years ago, the spokesman said, without giving a more precise date.

According to an arrest warrant, they are suspected of being involved in an illegal political financing and public procurement system.

They are accused of corruption, fraud against the government and breach of trust. These charges must be proven in court.

Two former PQ constituency office employees were also arrested during the UPAC raid.

Andrea Hunt

Twitter enthusiast. Organizer. Explorer. Reader. Zombie aficionado. Tv specialist. Thinker. Incurable internet maven.

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