Natalie Petitclerc, CEO of the CIUSSS MCQ: “The aim is to do things differently”

It’s a very important assignment, but I won’t do it alone.says Natalie Petitclerc at the show’s microphone Always the morning. I want to achieve that with the entire management team. But certainly with our employees, our doctors, by involving the population.

The new chairman stands at the head of the greatest CIUSSS du Québec with 530,000 people working in the Mauricie and Center-du-Québec regions. She believes she can help realign practices so staff and physicians want to fulfill their mission and stay on the network.

In her opinion, the introduction of the digital health record will make a difference. It is not just a file to record the patient’s information, it is a working tool that will help us with our labor problem. Digital tools will also ensure that the work of our employees, our doctors, their activities, their work organization is simplified.

It also intends to focus on local management. We hear employees actually say, “This is big, I don’t know where to go,” and that causes people to leave. For me it will be necessary to have strategies to attract [la main-d’œuvre].

She believes they want to stay by encouraging the personal fulfillment of network workers CIUSSS despite the tensions and the task.

We will ensure healthcare workers can do what is essential and eliminate activities that can cause irritation. Administratively for a clinician it can be irritating, for a doctor it can be irritating. By going digital, by adding administrative staff, by making sure the manager is closer to the staff, to the doctors. »

A quote from Natalie Petitclerc, CEO of the CIUSSS MCQ

Natalie Petitclerc admits that she walks a lot through the installations of the CIUSSS MCQ, because she likes when employees challenge her to suggest new ways of doing things. He keeps these suggestions. I think that the doctors, the staff, are the ones who are in the front line. They are the ones who can tell us what the most important improvement elements are and I look with them for solutions that will bring results as soon as possible.

quality and well-being

I will be obsessed with improving the health and well-being of our employeeshe said chairman The physical environment of the employees is also taken into account. Retirement homes are examples of optimal spatial framework conditions for the range of services. Our retirement homes are also computerized, which makes the work of our employees easier. At the same time, we want to change the approach.

The manager agrees that she needs to modulate a certain number of services during service improvement work, but closing emergencies is out of the question. Our emergencies are untouchable, it’s like a fire station or a police station, she argues. As an example, she cites the reorganization of the ER in La Tuque, which had to cope with the withdrawal of the self-employed workforce.

However, she agrees that reviewing all the ways of doing things it will ask us [de] to make decisions.

Darren Pena

Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.

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