Mathieu Dandenault announces a drastic career change!

I had the opportunity to speak with Mathieu Dandenault this weekend as part of the party Maxim of the F1 Grand Prix, which took place in Montreal and welcomed many celebrities Georges St. Pierre, Jean-Pascal as well as the CH players Arber Xhekaj And Rafael Harvey-Pinard.

You can also read my interview with Chantal Machabée.

During my interview with Mathieu Dandenaultthe former Montreal Canadiens defender and analyst at VAT Sports announced to me that he had given up hockey completely to make a drastic career change.

Here is the summary of our meeting.

How do you see the Canadiens rebuilding? Are you optimistic about the team’s future?

“The beauty of the Canadiens is that they have some exciting young players. No matter how many years it takes, there is at least something that the crowd would be excited to see if there weren’t these young talents, and they would be.” Without us it would be monotonous, it would be different, but with such exciting players it’s fun for everyone. We saw it last year, the fans are still there and the development of young Juraj Slafkovsky, Cole Caufield and Nick Suzuki, it’s exciting!

Your prediction for the Stanley Cup Final?

“I want Edmonton to win because their general manager is Ken Holland and he’s the one I had in Detroit when we won our Stanley Cup and I wish him the best of luck. It’s also a Canadian team, it would be fun to see them bring the Cup back to Canada.”

If you were GM of the Canadiens, which player would you add to the team this summer?

“Hard to say, I’m not really that anymore. Honestly, I’m more concerned with drafting well. They’re fifth this year, so you can’t miss your chance. You have no choice. There you go, Slafkovsky is last.” Last year we all had the gout on our foreheads, but now we’ve seen the outbreak. I think that’s the key to answering the question: We could trade one for a good player. But I can’t tell you who I would target. I’m not in there anymore.

Finally, what does Mathieu Dandenault’s life look like after hockey?

“I became a farmer! Yes! I have a farm and everything! I do that and I also take care of former Canadians. I do the tours, the visits to the lodges and the sick children, I’m no longer on that side. But on my other side I became a little farmer!”

With the participation of Cimon Asselin.

Darren Pena

Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.

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