Lyons. Canada has asked France for the extradition of Priest Rivoire accused of sexually abusing indigenous people

The Canadian government has asked France to extradite French priest Johannes Rivoire, accused of sexually abusing indigenous children, to stand trial in Canada. An “extraordinary” request, according to the Canadian Department of Justice, reports the newspaper from across the Atlantic The press. The press agency Reuters indicated on Tuesday that France had received this extradition request.

Contacted by The pressCanada’s Minister of Justice stated that “it is important to Canada and its international partners that serious crimes be fully investigated and prosecuted”.

Returned to France in 1992 when two sexual abuse charges threatened him, Father Johannes Rivoire, 92, now lives in an Ehpad in Lyon. A new complaint was recently filed in Canada and an arrest warrant issued. This missionary priest from Mary Immaculate Oblates, who set out in the 1960s to evangelize indigenous communities in Canada’s far north, denies all allegations.

>>Here is our investigation into this case.

Father Rivoire’s extradition request came during Pope Francis’ visit to Canada. The sovereign pope on Monday issued a historic apology for the harm done to natives. These population groups are characterized by decades of forced assimilation policies and in particular by the decades-old system of boarding schools for children, mainly in the hands of the Catholic Church.

Darren Pena

Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.

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