Justin Trudeau slams Meta after blocking information

JUstin Trudeau shoots a red ball to Meta. As reported The press, the Prime Minister of Canada sharply criticized the parent company of Facebook and Instagram during a press conference on Monday, August 21. Tens of thousands of Canadians have been evacuated from the affected areas fierce fires Three days earlier, Justin Trudeau pointed out that Meta had blocked the delivery of domestic news to its Canadian users.

“They care about their profits, the profits of their company, and not the welfare and information of Canadians,” lamented Canada’s Prime Minister, while Canada’s future Online Information Act is not expected to come into effect only on June 1um next December.

This law obliges web giants to pay Canadian media a fee for the distribution of news on their various platforms. That ban was criticized last week by government officials who called it reckless and irresponsible.

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Meta responds to criticism

For his part, Meta responded by highlighting his efforts to bring critical information to the Canadian public. “Canadians continue to use our technologies in large numbers to connect with their community and access trusted information, including content from official government agencies, emergency services and non-governmental organizations,” said a spokesperson for the platform.

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Facebook has also enabled the Safety Check feature, which allows users to let people know they are safe after a natural disaster or crisis.

In Canada, Some citizens flee forest fires complained to national media that Meta’s blocking prevented them from sharing important fire data. “It’s time we started expecting more from companies like Facebook that make billions of dollars on the backs of Canadians,” Justin Trudeau reiterated during his press conference.


Jillian Snider

Extreme problem solver. Professional web practitioner. Devoted pop culture enthusiast. Evil tv fan.

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