JiC sees confusion on the part of the Canadian

For weeks we wondered what the Canadian was waiting for to extend Jean-François Houle’s contract at the head of the Laval Rocket. In the meantime, other names were circulating.

As soon as the Trainer After we signed his contract, even though it took a long time, we told ourselves that he was the man in charge.

And now, three weeks later, the coach went not to the NHL, but to the NCAA. Clarkson may be his alma mater and carry great responsibility, but it still raises questions.

There are two schools of thought to judge all this. The first is that CH showed class by letting his trainer return to his first love.

But secondly, it must be said that the CH messed up by creating doubt. And that’s what Jean-Charles Lajoie tweeted this morning.

If Houle had felt that he could one day aspire to the position held by Martin St-Louis (who did not have to wait for management to renew his contract), he might not have abandoned ship.

Yes, he will have all the powers in the NCAA, but it should be noted that according to the TVA Sports host, the long wait between the end of the season and the signing of the contract has given Houle time to think.

But OK. The concrete result is that for the first time in his tenure, Martin St-Louis will work with a head coach in Laval other than the son of Réjean Houle.

We know that the connection between the two clubs is important. Houle prepared the young guys well for the promotion and that ultimately helped the Montreal Canadiens’ cause.

Several names always come up when it comes to the person who will become the fourth head coach in Rocket history (after Sylvain Lefebvre, Joël Bouchard and Jean-François Houle, three guys from the Marc Bergevin era) with a view to next season.

JiC in particular has collected several.

He seems to think so Sylvain Lefebvre has his chancesThe name of the Voltigeurs coach and that of Pascal Vincent, who was recently fired by the Blue Jackets, are obviously mentioned often.

We will see what happens in the coming weeks for this position and for the assistant position that is still vacant in Laval.


– Oh no?

– It’s lucky that he’s here.

– Sick.

Darren Pena

Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.

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