Jacob Fowler continues his progress

Without saying he was perfect, goalkeeper Jacob Fowler was brilliant in his freshman season at Boston College.

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When we say we must learn to lose before we learn to win, he is learning at the right school. The Eagles were the number one seed in the USA, but lost in the finals to the University of Denver.

“It was a very special year,” admitted the tall, 19-year-old redhead. “The group we had was very special and I don’t think I’ve seen that very often. It didn’t end the way we would have liked, but it gives a little more motivation for next season,” explains Fowler, who lost out to Sam Harris, a fifth-round pick of the Canadiens last year.


We can say that Fowler has made the transition from American junior hockey to the college ranks with flying colors. He is the goalie who earned the most wins in the NCAA last season (32), as well as ranking in the top 10 for goals against average (2.14) and top 5 for efficiency (0.926).

“This year represents an important step in my development,” agrees the Floridian. My decision to go to the NCAA was based on my desire to become stronger and faster.”

Photo credit: Courtesy of Montreal Canadiens

Fowler also decided to spend the summer in the Boston area to better prepare for his sophomore season.

“We have access to training rooms, the ice rink and professionals such as nutritionists. All my indicators in the gym are increasing, while my weight and fat percentage are decreasing,” he says proudly.


Fowler declined to say whether he would play a second collegiate season before making the jump to the pros like Cayden Primeau, but he did explain what he has already improved in his first season.

“If you have been following my progress towards the end of the regional championships and during the Frozen Four [le tournoi final, NDLR]My game was much calmer, I felt more comfortable.

“I played in the national championship and didn’t feel like I was playing the biggest game of the year, and looking back, I don’t think there’s a better feeling.”

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Darren Pena

Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.

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