International mobility of part-time bioinformaticians – University of Rouen Normandy

“Bioinformatics is a relatively young discipline that we are used to defining at the interface of biology, computer science and mathematics/statistics », explains Hélène Dauchel, head of the master’s program in bioinformatics at the University of Rouen Normandy. When the discipline emerged in the 1990s, there was a need to quickly train experts, and the URN quickly got to work. “We had to train people able to understand biological questions, to program to create databases and share them with the world, to design new algorithms and software, but also to mobilize their statistical skills to do everything to process and analyze these “biographies” information. Our team of teachers pioneered France to respond to this urgent need for training in new professions. », continues Hélène Dauchel.

Although the University of Normandy was one of the pioneers in the creation of this training, from the outset it chose to innovate by offering new elements. This includes the fact that you can complete your master’s degree in three years instead of two. The training manager explains why: “If you have a degree in biology and want to become a bioinformatician, you have to acquire two new and demanding areas of competence in computer science, statistics, and of course also acquire all the knowledge and know-how.” specific to the bioinformatics sciences and at the same time master the new technologies that are the origin of massive data in biology. For this reason, since we opened our training in 1999, we would like to give time for these many new advanced acquisitions; Time to offer a program that is progressive, deepens the fundamentals, generally covers all areas of bioinformatics and is up-to-date to ensure a high level of skills and give our future graduates the opportunity to develop professionally; It’s also time to provide strong professional immersion experiences before you graduate. From the beginning and still today, the master’s degree takes place over three years of study, including a classic M1 in 1 year and a long internship of 5 months as well as an M2 of 17 months on a part-time basis, which also offers the opportunity to earn a salary Learning thanks to an apprenticeship contract.”. Our young graduates therefore have 22 months of professional experience, which is unprecedented in France.”

The M2 Bioinformatics then enabled its students to complete an internship abroad in addition to their dual studies. “In the past, some of our graduates wanted to go abroad for their first job. To support this wish, We had the idea of ​​offering our trainees the opportunity to stay within a university setting; They therefore enjoy a secure status, are supported through an internship agreement and are offered mobility aids through the DRIC services », concludes Hélène Dauchel. “Discovering a new working world in your own profession, new practices, accepting the challenge of new work topics, but also the daily engagement with interculturality and of course the foreign language… all of this makes a very special step forward.” personally and professionally enriching.”

Jillian Snider

Extreme problem solver. Professional web practitioner. Devoted pop culture enthusiast. Evil tv fan.

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