“In the long run, I have more confidence in MTL than Boston and Toronto to win the Stanley Cup.”

A few years ago, many people thought that a rebuilding effort at the Montreal Canadiens would never be possible without criticism.

Yet here we are in 2024, when virtually all Montreal Canadiens fans have bought into the CH reconstruction plan initiated by Kent Hughes and Jeff Gorton a few years ago.

Fans are excited about the team’s future and the majority believe that this rebuild will ultimately be a success.

However, all the trust and patience placed in the Habs’ management is fleeting and will very soon depend on the team’s success on the ice.

It’s all well and good to draft good prospects and have good drafts, but one day you’re going to have to have good seasons.

In short: There will probably be another season in which CH fans are willing to be patient.

Then you need results and, of course, Stanley Cups.

But to achieve that, you first have to be better than the teams in your division.

Well, in that regard, renowned prospect analyst Steven Ellis, who often covers content surrounding the Toronto Maple Leafs, is confident that in the long run, the CH will have a better chance of winning the Stanley Cup than the Maple Leafs and Boston Bruins.

That’s actually what the analyst said while responding to questions from various Montreal Canadiens fans via Reddit.

According to him, the Montreal Canadiens will be very competitive in two to three years and could win the Stanley Cup in 2031.

This may seem far-fetched, but Ellis’ reasoning makes sense.

He expects the Habs to have several good competitive seasons in a row, but that they won’t fully get there until the vast majority of their core team is around 25 years old.

The players will all have more experience and will mostly be in their prime.

Now, if we look at the two teams that have been compared to Montreal over the long term, Boston and Toronto, we can very well understand why Ellis has more confidence in Montreal.

In fact, the window of opportunity for the Bruins and Maple Leafs may have closed by 2031.

In the case of the Bruins, they only have a few seasons left to reach their ultimate goal with the current core, otherwise it will be too late, despite possessing one of the worst, if not the worst, prospects in the entire NHL.

As for the Maple Leafs, well, they are cursed in the playoffs, and besides, their current core is not getting any younger and is already over 25 years old.

They don’t have high hopes and therefore will likely be out of the running for the Stanley Cup when CH is likely at its best.

In short, Kent Hughes and his team would do very well to be as patient as possible, because in the long run it can pay off greatly.


– A very good race for the Canadians.

– Good news.


– Be continued.

– Note.

Darren Pena

Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.

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