“I’ll take Tij Iginla over Cayden Lindstrom or Berkly Catton”

If there is one forward whose value skyrockets two weeks before the annual NHL Draft, it is this one. Tij Iginla.

He, who was hardly on any top-10 list just a few months ago, is currently not only on most top-10 lists, but could also be seriously considered by the Montreal Canadiens for their fifth-place pick.

In addition, we know that team management invited him to dinner last week during the combine in Buffalo, which clearly showed interest in him.

In an interview on air by BPM Sportsthe analyst Eric Leblanc from RDS commented on the situation, he, who spoke to his head coach, Chris Malletteand he said that in his opinion Iginla already had a better shot than 90% of NHL players. No less!

Mallette, who also had the attackers under his command Cayden Lindstrom And Berkley Cattontwo more options for the CH in fifth place overall, and what he had to say is very interesting.

He assures me that he would prefer Tij Iginla over Cayden Lindstrom or Berkly Catton. In his opinion, Iginla has a far more developed hockey sense than Lindstrom and a more physical side than Catton. Putting the elements together, he would understand very, very well that the Canadian could turn to Iginla.

– Eric Leblanc

A statement that makes you think.

We know that Iginla is not the player with the highest ceiling and is not considered a future star, but on the other hand, he is probably one of the highest ranked players in the top 10 and seems assured of a good and long career in the NHL as he will surely make an impact in the playoffs for whichever team will choose.

A whole headache awaits you Kent Hughes and the management of the Canadiens in the coming days!

You can listen to the respective interview in full below.

Darren Pena

Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.

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