Horne Foundry: Quebec wants to measure a new carcinogenic pollutant | Arsen Rouyn-Noranda

The company is already Quebec’s largest emitter of arsenic, nickel and cadmium, three contaminants that increase the risk of lung cancer. The ministry wants to know how the presence of hexavalent chromium (also known as chromium VI) could contribute to the city’s already excessive risk of this type of cancer.

In a letter dated October 13, Hélène Proteau, deputy deputy environment minister and state administrator in the foundry’s file, writes as much Work is in progress at MELCC to this topic. The letter is addressed to the Regroupement vigilance mines de l’Abitibi et du Témiscamingue (REVIMAT), which requested it.

It is very important for the population to know what is in the air around Rouyn-Noranda. It’s a public health problem. »

A quote from Marc Nantel, REVIMAT spokesman

The Horne Foundry states that it emits 23 different pollutants into the environment using the National Pollutant Release Inventory, but chromium is considered in its entirety without having to state whether its form of greatest concern is present.

Chromium is measured and accounted for in all of our emissions sourcesexplains the spokeswoman for the company, Cindy Caouette. The literature gives a typical value of 10% hexavalent chromium.

Experts are happy that we want to measure it

It is important to measure hexavalent chromium as it is a very toxic compoundexplains Maryse Bouchard, professor in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health at the University of Montreal.

It is a substance known to be carcinogenic, including lung cancer, in humans. »

A quote from Maryse Bouchard, professor at the University of Montreal’s School of Public Health

It’s definitely a good idea to measure hexavalent chromium, adds environmental chemistry professor at the University of Montreal Sébastien Sauvé. He recalled that “hexavalent chromium is the basis of the scandal of Erin Brockovich”, the American who exposed the health effects of serious industrial pollution in California. This story was the subject of an Oscar-winning film in 2001.

Very difficult to measure

State Councilor Hélène Proteau explains in her letter that this will not be easy to achieve: Chromium VI is very unstable and after sampling quickly turns to chromium III before we have time to analyze it in the laboratory.

It is being worked on MELCC Development of a method that stabilizes chromium VI during sampling so that it remains in this form until analyzed in the laboratory. »

A quote from Hélène Proteau, Deputy Assistant Minister at the Quebec Ministry of the Environment

However, she adds The development of this method is very complex and involves several technical difficulties, so no deadline has been set for its possible use in the surveillance network MELCC.

Increase in total chrome emissions in Rouyn-Noranda

Total chromium emissions declared in the National Inventory of Pollutant Releases increased by 6.4 tons in 2021. If we extrapolate, that equates to emissions of about 640 kilos of hexavalent chromium.

The annual average concentration of total chromium measured at the statutory station has doubled between 2019 and 2021, increasing from 4.4 to 8.8 nanograms per cubic meter.

We already meet the standards of the Air Pollution Control Ordinance for chrome , assures the spokesman for the foundry. She says that according to the company, the average in 2021 was 7.5 ng/m3which would mean 0.75 ng/m3 of hexavalent chromium, well below the Quebec standard of 4.

Jordan Johnson

Award-winning entrepreneur. Baconaholic. Food advocate. Wannabe beer maven. Twitter ninja.

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