The Green Card lottery starts on Wednesday, October 5th. It’s official, despite rumors, that US immigration is continuing that tradition this year. What is it, how do I apply, how do I win? We tell you everything.
It’s official and it’s now. From Wednesday October 5, 2022 (12:00 noon East Coast) and until November 8, 2022 (12:00 noon East Coast) it is possible to try your luck to win the green card lottery.
What is the Green Card Lottery?
Every year 55,000 Green Cards are raffled, no more and no less. This famous green card, for those who don’t know who it is, allows you to legally reside and work in the United States permanently. An easy way to immigrate to the United States without going through the many struggles to get a visa.
More than 14 million people apply each year to win one of the 55,000 green cards available. And from all over the world.
How do I apply for the Green Card Lottery?
The application is FREE. And on ONE page:
Unfortunately, many fraudulent websites are taking advantage of the current craze to scam some applicants who came by accident.
Once you are on the OFFICIAL website, it only takes 15 minutes to fill out the form, upload a photo and send it. Are you surprised that the US method is so simple? So do we, but that’s good and it works. Many French and foreign examples have proved that this lottery is really effective to win the holy grail.
However, be sure to read the instructions carefully before you begin as there is no turning back: I have read the instructions
How do I know if I’ve won the Green Card?
The result of the lottery can be viewed from May 6, 2023. Provided you keep ALL the numbers and codes given to you when you applied on the site. If you win, a long journey begins: filling out papers, meeting at the embassy, deciding, moving, NEW LIFE. But don’t panic, you won’t be able to enter American territory until September 2024.
Good luck to all !
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