GoCapital. 10 million euros investments in the first half of 2022

As an independent management company managing seed capital and venture capital investment funds in the Greater West, GO Capital presents very dynamic results for the first half of 2022. The management company announces that it has invested 10 million euros in 21 farms. The period was also marked by three portfolio company sales.

The 10 million euros that Go Capital invested in the first half of 2022 correspond to thisEntry into the portfolio of 6 innovative companies up to 4 million euros and 15 reinvestment operations for an amount of 6 million euros.

“TAll companies together, at the top of the financed companies are holdings from the digital sectorof energetic transition and medical and analytical technologies. Investments targeting companies with social and environmental impact, indicates Go Capital in a press release. This applies in particular to two innovative companies based in Brittany:

frugger, created in June 2020, is present in Rennes, Nantes and Paris and already employs 50 people.The start-up supports companies in their digital performance, with Responsible Digital as its raison d’être. The start-up develops an automated analysis solution for the ecological & social footprint of digital applications of companies. The latter is published by Digital4Better, a player in the social and solidarity economy, with state-recognized commitment (ESUS approval). Fruggr therefore designs dashboards that improve the performance of web devices (e-commerce, institutional website, etc.) as well as internal digital platforms. near 40 criteria are thus shielded. These latter are both fine environment (CO2 emissions, water consumption, etc.), ethics (GDPR, etc.) and Social (accessibility, inclusion, diversity…). The goal: to accelerate the transition responsible digital. In July 2022, Fruggr raised €2 million from Go Capital and Business Angels.

Frugger (35). The start-up launches its application to measure the environmental footprint of its mobile digital activities

Sense’In, founded in 2018 in Ploemeur in Morbihan was born from a know-how of the IRDL laboratory of the University of South Brittany in Lorient and is protected by an international patent. Since, The start-up designs, develops, manufactures and markets products and services that offer connected solutions for composites. The idea: Ensuring optimized monitoring of systems and buildings in real time in order to meet the challenges of system safety during operation and personal protection. The technology used is based on the development of “QRS® nanosensors incorporated into the core of composites or onto the surface” explains the company, which in May 2022 completed a fundraising of 1.55 million euros from Go Capital, Innovation Fund, SFLD and Crédit Agricole Morbihan Expansion.

Plemer (56). The start-up Sense In raises 1.55 million euros to use it on an industrial scale

The other Grand Ouest companies supported by Go Capital are Pepette (75), the platform Day One (45), Abyssa (64) and Healshape (44) from Nantes. ” The latter develops a medical innovation that has a positive effect on the Health and physical and mental integrity of womensays Go Capital.LThe company is developing a unique solution in the world of breast bioprosthesis. The prosthesis is made using 3D printing made from 100% organic materials. A temporary solution that allows the patient’s tissues to regenerate and is absorbed in the months following the procedure. Healshape thus develops a natural, safe, minimally invasive solution, adapted to the morphology of each patient.”

Reinvestments: €46 million collected

Through its reinvestments, Go Capital has attracted additional capital to the Grand Ouest territories. 19 portfolio holdings (without new investments) have thus 46 million euros collected on 1ah Semester 2022. These operations mainly take place for the continuous growth or product development of the companies. 65% of the deals were done with seed capital.

Finally in the first semesterGo Capital completed three divestitures, two of which were in Brittany. This is Aviwest-35 (Live Video Broadcast Solution Publisher – Ouest Ventures III Fund) sold to Hayvision System GroupCanadian company, world leader in real-time video transmission solutions and from Effinov -56, sold to Dewavrin Cosmeticsa French industrial group with an international dimension.

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Darren Pena

Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.

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