Goal series for David Savard

The Canadians’ 2022-23 campaign may not have been successful in terms of results, but according to veteran David Savard, it had several positive aspects. But we have to do a lot better next season.

And for Savard, that means making the playoffs, or at least making it to the end.

“It’s never fun to miss the series, it was a season in which we learned a lot,” said the number 58 on Wednesday in an interview with “JiC”.

“I think it bodes well for next year, everyone has gained experience and it will be necessary for us to aim for the playoff race,” he said. As we approach the deadline for transactions, we’ll see what the organization decides to do.

According to him, the staggering number of injuries sustained by CH players in 2022-2023 has undoubtedly prevented the club from being in the playoff race this season.

“We were chasing the playoffs until the injuries started, it’s like a wave, a lot of guys, big chunks that were missing in early December,” he said. It really hurt us and after that we slipped down in the standings and it’s always hard to move up.

Savard nevertheless again emphasized the good sides of this 2022-2023 season.

“I think we put on a good show for the ‘fans’ too,” he remarked. Not everyone necessarily expected us to make the playoffs, but I think we were competitive and we fought every night, so it was “fun”.

Finally, the 32-year-old skater also threw flowers to team coach Martin St-Louis.

“Martin is quite an exceptional coach, I said so from the beginning, he has such a good knowledge of hockey, it’s fun to meet him, to talk to him,” he said.

Watch the full interview in the main video.

Darren Pena

Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.

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