Global Technology Report – Canadian Results

Canadian companies are using technology to face the uncertainties of the future and are seeing the positive impact of the initiatives they have pushed forward over the past two years. But being agile means going beyond technology and having a strong supporting infrastructure where functions such as legal, regulatory, privacy, governance and risk management are executing their digital transformation at the same pace.

To maximize their performance and resilience in an uncertain future, companies need to define which technology areas to keep in-house and which require external expertise. Building in-house technology capabilities is often not the best solution, especially when it comes to the metaverse world.

Over time, Canada has emerged as a global innovation leader, with a growing number of IT and fintech startups, as well as innovation communities and partnership networks. Canadian companies that leverage an ecosystem of partners – which can include third-party vendors, technology companies and consultants – will have a head start in the race to transform the Canadian economy.

Contact KPMG to find out how we can help you accelerate your digital transformation journey.

Jillian Snider

Extreme problem solver. Professional web practitioner. Devoted pop culture enthusiast. Evil tv fan.

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