Global Disruption | Deloitte Canada

Uncertainty about the world’s future has increased in recent years. Numerous events with global impact – from pandemics and devastating weather events to violent conflicts and technological revolutions – pose more questions for leaders than they answer. Canada has enduring advantages, but must face and adapt to this climate of volatility to provide a secure and prosperous future for its citizens.

Complex problems require sophisticated solutions

We see four interconnected global disruptions with significant impacts on life in Canada: talent transformation, the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution, the race to carbon neutrality, and geopolitical uncertainty. These forces are intertwined and interact. For example, to take advantage of the significant opportunities presented by AI, workers must, above all, have the skills to use these tools effectively. Likewise, progress toward net-zero emissions targets should not obscure the disruptive potential of geopolitical conflicts for the supply chains that produce products essential to the energy transition.

To build a better future, Canada must not only address these disruptions one at a time, but also consider the interdependencies between them. This requires systems thinking, closer collaboration, and a willingness to think innovatively. We believe we have a mandate and a duty to create positive change for Canada. This report aims to shift the perspectives of our country’s leaders, encouraging them to view these disruptions both in isolation and through the lens of their interaction as they build a successful future together.

Jillian Snider

Extreme problem solver. Professional web practitioner. Devoted pop culture enthusiast. Evil tv fan.

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