French Presidential Election 2022: Emmanuel Macron’s Big Victory in Canada

At the time of writing, the results of the second round of the 2022 French presidential election for the cities of Moncton (1049 registered) and Vancouver (8539) have not yet been fully counted. However, those of Montreal (65,535), Quebec (13,400) and Toronto (11,930) allow us to identify the main trends in Canada.

Emmanuel Macron, the outgoing president, easily prevailed with 85.9% of the votes (14.1% for Marine Le Pen). The participation rate was almost 40% (38.2%).

Montreal: 87.7% of the votes for Emmanuel Macron

The largest reserve of French votes in the country (65,535 registered) overwhelmingly awarded their election to the candidate from La République En Marche (87.7%). Marine Le Pen therefore collects only 12.3% of the votes. However, at just 37.9%, participation was slightly below the national average.

Toronto: Big Victory for Outgoing President

89.6% of French expatriates in Toronto gave their vote largely to the current tenant of the Élysée. The candidate of the Reich Party Congress achieved only 10.4%. Voter turnout reached 38.7%.

Quebec: Marine Le Pen’s Best Canadian

Here, too, the French in Canada spoke out in favor of re-electing the outgoing president, with Macron receiving 74.5% of the vote. However, it is also the constituency where Marine Le Pen received the largest share of the vote (25.5%). Participation is also higher than other Canadian cities (39%).

all voting results known to French people living abroad

Darren Pena

Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.

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