Francophonie as a counterbalance: François Legault’s embassy in Tunisia

From the outset, the Quebec premier stressed the importance – and the difficulty – of protecting the French language.

My first responsibility as Premier of Quebec is to ensure the survival of French‘ he said initially. According to him, given the fact, this is a difficult task the enormous pressure exercised upon by the English language the only area in North America with a majority of French speakers.

Faced with this pressure in the digital world – a key theme of this summit – he called on the Francophonie countries to develop a counterbalance to the English content that dominates video games and streaming platforms like Netflix.

According to Francois Legault, The Decline of French in the Québec metropolis shows an urgent need for action.

Twenty years ago Montreal was 54% Francophone. Today we are at 48%complained the Prime Minister.

according to him a heavy blow must be given to reverse this trend, and cultural products must play a role.

“We need to do more business together”

François Legault believes that the Francophonie countries must also work more closely together on trade.

In his speech, he pointed out that Quebec relies on the United States for 70% of its trade and that it is therefore a to need for the province diversify its markets.

To that end, he praised the economic and investment opportunities on Quebec soil and noted the presence of strategic minerals such as lithium, which are necessary for the construction of electric vehicles.

He also urged his colleagues at La Francophonie to show themselves solidarity in their business decisions.

Companies in Francophonie need to talk to each other and do business together to improve our position. »

A quote from Francois Legault, Prime Minister of Quebec

Included We will protect this beautiful language‘ he summarized.

Tyrone Hodgson

Incurable food practitioner. Tv lover. Award-winning social media maven. Internet guru. Travel aficionado.

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