First in Canada: A university separates from Israel after student protests

Historic agreement at the University of Ontario

In an unprecedented development in Canada, the Ontario University of Technology and its students have reached an agreement to end all investments in defense contractors, including Israeli companies. This agreement was the result of a sit-in organized by students demanding that the university stop funding companies that profit from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Formation of a new commission

The university announced the establishment of a commission to review and recommend best practices for future investments.

This initiative is a response to another demand from protesters who called for more transparency about the establishment’s external investments.

Support for Palestinian students

As a gesture of goodwill and in response to student requests, Ontario University of Technology also pledged to fund three scholarships for Palestinian students displaced by war, beginning next fall semester.

Amnesty for demonstrators

The agreement also includes full amnesty for students and faculty members who participated in the sit-in to ensure they do not face disciplinary action.

The move is intended to ease tensions and reaffirm the university’s commitment to free expression on campus.

Protest context

The protest camp was formed on May 6. Students from across Canada joined their American and European counterparts in demanding that their universities stop supporting companies that profit from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The Ontario University of Technology initiative marks an important turning point in the management of university investments related to armed conflict.

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Jillian Snider

Extreme problem solver. Professional web practitioner. Devoted pop culture enthusiast. Evil tv fan.

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