Energy transition and wealth accumulation

With the unveiling of its 30-member Council of Ministers Francois Legault is committed to accelerating the energy transition with the goal of making Quebec the world’s #1 place for greenhouse gas reduction and green economy.

In this vision, the energy transition and the economy are closely linked, as is the energy of Hydro-Québec. The expanded role of Pierre Fitzgibbon, who complements his Energy portfolio as Minister for Economy and Innovation, is confirmed. As if his plate wasn’t full enough, he became Minister for the Metropolis. Montreal gets a minister of weight to represent it, but also very busy.

It should be noted that François Legault is chairing a new Committee on Economy and Energy Transition, which includes, in addition to the Economy Minister, Environment Minister Benoit Charette, the Minister responsible for relations with indigenous people and the Inuit (a term replacing Native Affairs). , Ian Lafrenière, representatives of the First Nations and finally the CEO of Hydro-Québec, Sophie Brochu. It will not be up to Mega Minister Fitzgibbon alone to make the trade-offs between the demands of the energy transition and the new economic projects, but we understand that wealth creation will weigh heavily.

It should be noted that in addition to the environment area, Benoit Charette inherited the responsibility for wildlife and parks, which he removed from the Minister of Forestry. The fact that the forest minister is responsible for the protection of wild animals is a mistake denounced by ecologists, which François Legault has corrected with the stroke of a pen.

We must also welcome the arrival of Bernard Drainville in Education, the priority of the Chief Caquist’s priorities. He is a solid and capable minister who will have a lot to do. His appointment, given his style, is undoubtedly good news for those who regret the growing elitism of a school that has become multi-speed.

Minister of Education during the first term, Jean-François Roberge, who had his share of difficulties, became Minister for the French language, a new position since Bill 96 came into force, and Minister responsible for Canadians and Canadian Francophonie. In this last capacity, he replaces, no doubt too well, Sonia LeBel, with whom the Trudeau administration and its Secretary of State for Intergovernmental Affairs, Dominic LeBlanc, were on excellent terms. It is not certain that the arrival of Jean-François Roberge in Canadian relations means anything other than continuing an approach that has produced meager results.

Kateri Champagne Jourdain, first Aboriginal Member of the National Assembly, is appointed to the Employment Department, a well-chosen responsibility given the First Nations workforce. She takes advantage of the stripping inflicted on Jean Boulet, who also loses the social solidarity entrusted to Chantal Rouleau, just to keep the job.

In his speech, François Legault revisited immigration, presenting it “as a solution for the future of French, not a problem. So we will focus on expanding the French-speaking majority.” To accomplish this, he appointed Sanguinet’s member, Christine Fréchette, an intelligent woman who ran the East Montreal Chamber of Commerce. With 80% of immigrants settling in the Montreal area, this is an appointment that can be defended despite the CAQ government’s desire for regionalization.

In the field of health, Minister Christian Dubé is assisted by two ministers: Lionel Carmant, who is returning to his duties in social services, but not as ministerial delegate but as minister in charge, and newcomer Sonia Bélanger, former executive director of the CIUSSS du Centre-South-der- island montreal. They will not be too much to ensure the “refounding” of the health system, but also to cope with its glaring problems.

Two-thirds of the members of the new cabinet served as ministers in the first term, and most of those ministers hold essentially the same positions. That’s continuity. Experienced ministers and new personalities who are not lacking in competence are brought together. In this respect, the new edition, which has proven itself for many, shows a solidity that we could have doubted four years ago.

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Tyrone Hodgson

Incurable food practitioner. Tv lover. Award-winning social media maven. Internet guru. Travel aficionado.

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