Edilteco, exclusive distributor of CarbonCure technology in France

By Ch Raynaud, April 7, 2022.

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Since the beginning of April 2022, the Edilteco Group has been the exclusive distributor of the Canadian technology company “CarbonCure Technologies” for carbon removal for France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

This partnership will allow Edilteco Group to offer its customers innovative and proven solutions to reduce their carbon footprint in construction. “At Edilteco we have always been involved Energy saving and sustainability has been our mission ever since company formation. The recent launch of Politerm R and now give the launch of CarbonCure the impetus for the creation of our future Green range Products with up to 90% recycled EPS – to be launched later this year the next Batimat show”, explains Franck Pied, Marketing and Technical Director at Edilteco France, “ today, with CarbonCure, we have the opportunity to offer concrete plants even more with whom we have been working for years to give them the opportunity To produce concrete of the usual quality, but with a reduced carbon footprint”.

Same concrete, less carbon

CarbonCure technology enables concrete manufacturers (concrete plants and precast concrete units) to offer the same high quality concrete but with a reduced carbon footprint. CarbonCure injects captured carbon dioxide (CO2) into fresh concrete as it is being mixed. Once injected, the CO2 is immediately transformed into CaCO3 (calcium carbonate) upon contact with the cement; These nanomaterials are permanently embedded and are never released into the atmosphere. This CO2 mineralization also greatly improves the compressive strength of concrete, allowing the cement content of any mix to be safely reduced. CarbonCure has building authority approval from the DIBT (German Institute for Building Technology). This technology complies with the NF EN 206 standard. Thus, while respecting the dosages, with the addition of CO2 it is possible to reduce the quantity of cement by 4 to 6% while maintaining the same technical performance. Assuming that 6% cement can be saved, this corresponds to approx. 15 kg/m3. If we take the example of an average concrete plant in France that uses 40,000 m3 of concrete per year, the annual cement saving for this plant is 60 tons.

How it works ?

Each CarbonCure installation contains 2 boxes. The first (control unit) calculates exactly the amount of CO2 to be injected according to the concrete recipe. It is connected to the factory software (adapts to all factory software) and directly connected to CarbonCure, to which it transmits in real time all the data collected to calculate the consumption of CO2 injected into the concrete. CarbonCure collects the exact CO2 consumption of each concrete mixing plant. The CarbonCure methodology has been verified by the Verra organization to obtain white certificates shared by all players. The other box (the valve block) is installed on top of the CO2 tank and manages the addition of the dose. The pressure vessel (20 bar) sends the CO2 in liquid form into the concrete to be mixed. It is this pressure that injects the CO2 into the mixer and transforms it in the form of snow, where upon contact with the mixture the CO2 is immediately transformed into CaCO3. The concrete plant is free to choose its CO2 supplier. Edilteco France takes care of the installation of the boxes and their programming is done automatically and remotely. A team of Edilteco technicians has been specially trained to ensure the installation, maintenance and after-sales service of the boxes.

Darren Pena

Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.

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