Don’t touch my skills!

I hear a lot of people say they’re tired of arguing about skills.

“It doesn’t matter who is in charge of the ministry, let our governments give it to us and stop arguing!” »

Suffice it to say that they are fed up with Canada, more specifically with the federations. Because if there is one constant in the history of such a political system, it is the tension of who does what, who finances what.

But being fed up is bad advice. Because we’re putting more and more pressure on Quebec to throw ballast and give way. “Come on, Mr. Dubé, give the federal government health information. He just wants to improve performance! »

Next step: Ottawa wants to manage. Even if he has enough to do elsewhere… and far from being a leadership model; Think of the passport fiasco, broken immigration and refugee systems, questionable border management, etc.


In September 2021, QS boss Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois had openly formulated a new doctrine: “Me, there, playing ‘does not affect my competence’ with Ottawa, to be honest, I don’t care that much. But admirers of the state, of public intervention in business and society, a new left is unmoved by the weakening of the state of Quebec that would be provoked by a quiet capitulation in the face of invasive territories of federal jurisdiction.

What does this link say? Ottawa “wants to do good”: improve health, dental insurance program, etc. Wearing orange glasses, to resist these wonders in the name of respect for ability would be to indulge an unhealthy nationalism, an autonomy that exudes duplessis.

However, it is indeed a nationalism, that of English Canada, that is urging federal governments to use unlimited power to interfere in all areas, including those not entrusted to them by the Constitution.

Invalid Laws

I often come back to this observation: Three decades of constitutional taboo have created many misunderstandings about the principles of federalism.

In English Canada, many have denounced new Prime Minister Danielle Smith’s will to overrule federal laws that appear to violate her provincial responsibilities. As we have read, it would be a break with the principles of federalism.

Smith’s tirades are, of course, open to criticism. But laws that overrule those from the other level, it works in reverse. Without creating a riot. On the contrary, it is endorsed by the courts (appointed by whom?).

For example, after certain judgments at the turn of the 2010s, federal sovereignty over aviation was declared absolute. Consequence: Wild airfields have grown everywhere (for example in Neuville), in defiance of Quebec land use planning laws and municipal regulations. In the major ports, even federal disregard for the laws of Quebec and its municipalities.

The loss of a skill means the Québec nation has lost the ability to make decisions in an area.

Jordan Johnson

Award-winning entrepreneur. Baconaholic. Food advocate. Wannabe beer maven. Twitter ninja.

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