Category: Health

Job openings peak in Canada in June

According to Statistics Canada, job vacancies rose 3.2% in June to a new high as employers tried to fill more than a million jobs for the third straight month. The federal agency says employers were actively trying to fill 1,037,900

The arts in Canada unite the francophone community

It’s always sad when working in Canadian Francophonie to realize that despite your best efforts, you can’t stop this loss of dynamics in Francophonie.Nancy Juneau explained in an interview for Radio Canada. The French-Canadian Federation of Culture “promotes and defends

A new mental health platform for SMEs

Small business owners now have a new platform specializing in workplace wellbeing, the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) announced on Tuesday. • Also read: Inflation and labor shortages: The mental health of vulnerable entrepreneurs This initiative, developed in partnership

Fill the gap in a “daunting” healthcare system

They also argue for the need for “minimal pan-Canadian health workforce data” and funding for strategies “to address workload and improve work-life balance for our health care workers.” Christine Kouri, Health and Diversity Equity Manager at CHEO, confirms that there