Canada is expanding the list of sanctioned individuals

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Canada continues its work against gangs in Haiti. Ottawa this Monday, December 5, expanded its list of figures sanctioned for their support and funding of armed gangs. After targeting the political sphere, notably pinning down former President Michel Martelly and two former prime ministers, it is now big names in Haitian’s private sector that are being targeted.

Gilbert Bigio, Reynol Deeb and Sherif Abdallah: These three names are famous in Haiti because they are associated with very large fortunes.

That they are now on Canada’s list of people sanctioned for providing financial support to gangs is an understatement to say it will cause a stir in the country’s private sector.

The decision includes an immediate freeze on the assets these three businessmen may have in Canada and also bans any financial transactions with them.

Ottawa states that these actions are being taken because it ” Reason to believe that these individuals are using their status as highly visible members of Haiti’s business elite to protect and facilitate the illegal activities of armed criminal gangs, including through money laundering and other acts of corruption. »

Fighting the gangs of Haiti by attacking their wallets is the strategy of Canada and so far, albeit to a lesser extent, of the United States.

But in the face of this dynamic, emanating from abroad, which has already singled out a former president, two former prime ministers and several parliamentarians, Haiti’s judiciary and political class are silent.

►For reading: Massacre of civilians in Haiti: gangs kill and burn to regain control of cabaret

Tyrone Hodgson

Incurable food practitioner. Tv lover. Award-winning social media maven. Internet guru. Travel aficionado.

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