Best player on the ice: Juraj Slafkovsky “much more confident” than last year

In the eyes of several journalists in Brossard on Thursday, Juraj Slafkovsky was the best player on the ice during the traditional intra-team game “White vs. Red”.

And for good reason: After completing last season with flying colors, the Slovakian comes to camp with a certain momentum.

According to those most affected, this is not comparable to the same period last year. He is no longer the lost sheep he was not so long ago…

“I feel much more confident than last year,” Slafkovsky said. Confidence is the most important thing in this league. Anyone can arrive in good shape, but you have to be confident on the ice. […] When you start believing you can make the plays, you start making them on the ice.

Head coach Martin St-Louis put together his first combinations and the top lineup of Nick Suzuki, Cole Caufield and Slafkovsky remained intact. When a reporter asked Slafkovsky how beneficial it was for him to play with his two buddies, the young man was ready to answer.

“I’ll help them too!” he said. At least I hope so. I don’t know if it would have made sense if we hadn’t started together.”

Together, the three players have the ambition to take this trio to a new level so that it is recognized as one of the most threatening in the National League.

“Last year we played about fifty games together. If we play 80 now, it could be a different story,” Slafkovsky said.

Watch his press conference in the video above.

Darren Pena

Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.

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