Anglade “was not an effective official opposition leader,” says GND

“The record that we have in opposition is a bit like our calling card to Quebecers, to tell them if we’re ready to take the next step,” said Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois. (Photo: The Canadian Press)

The day after the first debate, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois again attacked the Liberal leader, accusing her of being ineffective as leader of the official opposition.

The Québec solidaire (QS) co-spokesman will also be campaigning in Dominique Anglade’s stronghold of Saint-Henri-Sainte-Anne, in southwest Montreal, on Friday.

During a face-to-face Thursday night on TVA’s airwaves, Mr Nadeau-Dubois criticized the work of Ms Anglade and the Liberal Party of Quebec against the government of François Legault.

The Solidarity leader again accused Ms Anglade in a press scramble on Friday morning of not being able to cope.

“The record we have in opposition is a bit like our calling card to the Quebecers to tell them whether or not we are ready to move on to the next phase. And Dominique Anglade has not been an effective leader of the official opposition for the past four years,” Nadeau-Dubois said.

“She wasn’t with the real estate crisis, she’s not with the environment. She changed her mind on important issues. I won’t hesitate to say it,” he continued.

According to him, the PLQ is “in search of itself”. “There was a nationalist turn, there was a progressive turn. On several occasions yesterday, Mrs Anglade spoke like some of her predecessors, such as Mr (Jean) Charest, Mr (Philippe) Couillard. In short, the renewal promised to the Quebec Liberal Party does not appear to be happening,” said Mr. Nadeau-Dubois.

Like the other four party leaders, Mr. Nadeau-Dubois spoke to elected officials from the Union of Quebec Municipalities on Friday afternoon. He promised them a new fiscal model when his party forms the government on October 3.

This story was written for the News by Frédéric Lacroix-Couture with financial support from the Bourses de Meta and The Canadian Press.

Darren Pena

Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.

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