High school seniors visit a hospital in Centre-du-Québec

By organizing such events, the CIUSSS MCQ is pursuing a mission he describes as critical to the future of the healthcare network. The organization would like to encourage these young people, who will soon have to decide on a field of study, to consider a position in the network. He is deputy head of the university mission and the GMF-U at the CIUSSS MCQChristian Gervais who created the activity.

We have multiple disciplines and professions and we want to bring them to young people to show them that a career in healthcare and social work can be rewarding. We want to promote the professions.

The lecture by the physiotherapist Johanne Talbot also made the student Mathilde Labonté, who wants to reorientate her career choice, particularly curious.

I was sure I would go to psychiatry, but with what she just talked about, I find it really interesting. I need a job that moves me and I believe it will give me what I needShe said.

The physiotherapist assures that the high school graduate will be welcomed with open arms when she chooses this profession.

Physiotherapists are urgently needed in the healthcare network given the aging of the population. Our elderly are increasingly losing their autonomyexplains Johanne Talbot.

The initiative has also confirmed the choice of several students who already have a strong interest in the healthcare sector.

I’m interested in forensic medicine. I wanted to see the progress and that’s why the doctor’s consultation in the morning really interested mesaid Mathieu Tetrault.

On the morning of what is likely to be a crucial decision for their future, Christian Gervais wanted to send a message to these young people. According to him, all is not bleak in the healthcare network, despite the challenges that will arise in the coming years.

People are working to improve the situation and I would tell you if you feel like making a contribution, come and work with us, all doors are open!

Corresponding CIUSSS MCQ500 working students are currently working in various healthcare facilities in the region.

Based on the report by Jean-François Dumas

Jordan Johnson

Award-winning entrepreneur. Baconaholic. Food advocate. Wannabe beer maven. Twitter ninja.

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