Canadian technology on drone shot down by Armenia

A Turkish-made military drone shot down by Armenia in the conflict with Azerbaijan has been fitted with Canadian targeting systems, the Canadian daily said on Friday the globe and the mail, who photographed these pieces.

• Also read: Azerbaijan accuses Armenia of killing 21 civilians in rocket attacks

• Also read: Conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh: BRP suspends drone engine exports

Canada suspended its arms exports to Turkey in early October amid an investigation into possible shipments of Canadian military equipment by that country to Azerbaijan.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke during a news conference about a possible violation of contracts for the sale of military equipment.

“We have to make sure that the rules and agreements in the contract for use are respected [de matériel canadien] were respected,” he said.

“We have heard that there have been concerns that this was not the case and we continue to see examples and evidence that this may not be the case,” he said.

Ankara sharply criticized Canada’s decision to suspend its arms exports to Turkey, “a NATO ally”.

Turkey is a staunch ally of Azerbaijan in the conflict over control of the Nagorno-Karabakh region.

Photos of parts of the downed drone were taken Thursday by a Canadian newspaper photographer who was dispatched to an Armenian military base.

An expert cited by the daily, Kelsey Gallagher, said the photos showed an MX-15D imaging and targeting system manufactured by Canadian company L3Harris Wescam.

Ottawa had granted the Burlington, Ontario, company permits in May to export the systems to the Turkish drone manufacturer Baykar.

“While we know this is a Wescam sensor, just looking at the turret itself of the CMX-15D on the serial code on the baseplate makes it irrefutable that it’s a Canadian made product,” Gallagher said. “On the same baseplate there is also the inscription Baykar, the manufacturer of the Turkish drone Bayraktar TB2,” he pointed out.

Populated mostly by Armenians, Nagorno-Karabakh broke away from Azerbaijan at the end of the USSR, leading to a war in the early 1990s that left 30,000 dead. Since then, Baku has been demanding Armenia’s withdrawal from this region.

Justin Trudeau has launched a new call for a negotiated solution to the conflict.

Jillian Snider

Extreme problem solver. Professional web practitioner. Devoted pop culture enthusiast. Evil tv fan.

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