The residents of Faubourg Mena’Sen fear for their mental health

Several dozen residents attended the public health specialist’s presentation on Thursday. Mélissa Généreux, who is also a candidate for Québec Solidaire in St-François, wanted to point out that she conducted this survey as a volunteer expert, to document the psychological impact of communities experiencing shock.

At the end of August, the doctor anonymously distributed a short questionnaire to around 250 people living under the umbrella of the former NPO, which has since been sold and dissolved by the owners.

The survey documents the psychological impact of the sale and dissolution of the Faubourg, with the aim of raising awareness among the political, legal and private actors involved in the case.

Mental stress and loss of trust

Of the 103 respondents to the survey, at least 4 in 10 tell us their mental health has deteriorated. Mélissa Généreux is particularly worried about the number of people who feel mentally stressed.

A level of psychological distress that affects 12% of residents of the Faubourg, while a recent survey of those aged 60 and over found 2% to 3% across Quebec, the doctor explains. So if we compare the two, the psychological burden is higher in the Faubourg.

Several other fears of local residents were identified, including a significant loss of trust in the authorities, affecting 86% of respondents. We also have about two in three who say they are afraid of having to move, or of a rent increase, or worse, they’ve already seen a rent increase, adds Dr. Mélissa Généreux added.

Met on the spot, a resident confesses that she experiences a lot of stress. Will I be able to stay here again? It’s not easy to live. That’s why I fight for our NPO.

Same story for another resident explaining this It’s the reality when people experience some conflict, some destabilization, when we talk about rent increases.

Petition to the Prime Minister

The Sauvons-Mena’Sen Committee says its lawyers will meet this week to follow up the case, which should pick up steam in the coming days.

On August 30, 131 residents of the Faubourg signed a document demanding, among other things, the cancellation of the sale of the buildings of the Faubourg Mena’Sen and the dissolution of this legal entity. The document will be sent to various Ministers, MPs and Prime Minister François Legault.

It should be noted that 93% of respondents believe class action lawsuits are the solution to improving their wellbeing.

An investigation by the Quebec government into the circumstances surrounding this $18 million sale of the NPO is ongoing.

Darren Pena

Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.

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