In Canada, the potential of biochar for a carbon-free future

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Canadian companies are investing more in technology solutions than their global counterparts and are seeing impressive returns on their investments, the study says KPMG International Global Technology Report 2024. The survey of 150 technology managers and executives at large organizations
Alberta will spend more than $4 million this year to test new technologies to detect and fight wildfires. In particular, the government wants to evaluate the use of a gel water system, a large-volume water distribution system, wildfire detection cameras
COllision: This word alone conjures up images of opposing forces colliding. As a name for the fastest growing technology conference in North America it takes on a whole new meaning, scope and scale. The momentum that enlivened this summer’s Collision
The advantages: “About a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions are due to deforestation, land degradation and land use change. These phenomena have an impact on populations,” explains company founder Martin Beaudoin Nadeau, who has a master’s degree in agroforestry. Integrating
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From balkis | May 26, 2024 at 4:20 p.m. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp Historic agreement at the University of Ontario In an unprecedented development in Canada, the Ontario University of Technology and its students have reached an agreement to end