The pride of Mailloux graffitied – TVA Sports

Logan Mailloux, whose hearing against the Toronto Maple Leafs on Saturday night at the Bell Center will be crucial, insulted Logan Mailloux, who found himself in the reserve group of the Montreal Canadiens camp, which consists of players from the American Hockey League.

“Yeah, definitely,” he told TVA sportswriter Anthony Martineau. I don’t think it’s that big of a deal because I’m still here, but to be honest I want to be compared to the best players every day.”

The young defenseman, the organization’s 2021 first-round pick, describes his training camp equipment as “adequate,” but he still needs to do more to earn a spot in Montreal.

“I didn’t give exactly what I wanted with my puck touches and I can’t afford that in such a short camp. I just want to be good and strong tonight [samedi]», remarked Mailloux.

The latter will play with Arber Xhekaj in the third pair on Saturday evening if the planned formation can be trusted.

If he doesn’t get a job with CH, Mailloux will return to Laval to play a second season in the American League, but in the event of an injury he could be recalled relatively quickly.

Mailloux made his NHL debut last season, playing in the very last game of the Canadiens’ regular schedule. He took advantage of the opportunity to score his first point of the round, an assist on a goal by Alex Newhook against the Detroit Red Wings.

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Darren Pena

Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.

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