Céline Dion sick: her sister Claudette gives reassuring news about her health

A silence that weighs. Céline Dion’s admirers continue to long for a return of the star who has let them down several times in recent months. And for good reason, the Quebec diva had to cancel several of her appointments due to her serious illness. “I was recently diagnosed with a very rare neurological abnormality called Stiff Man Syndrome, she announced full of emotions in front of the camera last December. Since then, it has been difficult to find out more about the health of the “I will go where you go” interpreter his sister Claudette Nevertheless, I recently addressed the topic on the Canadian show 7 daysas our media colleagues reportHello !.

“Anyone who says my sister’s voice has disappeared is wrong. She sang me several notes on the phone and his voice is still the same. I was so happy and it’s calming to hear itso the wise woman happily revealed herself, making it clear that it was her fellow wife able to overcome this ordeal. News that should delight Céline Dion fans who are very worried about their idol’s health. It must be said that today there are none no treatment to cure the disease from which the widow of producer René Angélil suffers. Stiff Man Syndrome causes significant muscle spasms and is a heavy burden that the 55-year-old star carries on a daily basis.

>> PHOTOS – Céline Dion, Hélène Ségara, Édouard Philippe… These stars suffer from a rare disease

“You have to be patient and stay positive”

Jacques Dion also shares this hope for better days. In fact, during the taping of the show For you Celinewhich will air on M6 on September 15th,Le figaro could speak to the brother of the sick singer and he was confident on the subject:“It’s only a matter of time. You have to be patient and stay positive.”The mother of René-Charles and the twins Nelson and Eddy seems to have taken matters into her own hands to put an end to this dark phase of her life:Specialists work hard to find out what’s going on. Céline is a perfectionist, she always gets to the bottom of things and wants to know exactly what is happening to her. He does not Don’t make a drama out of it.”

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

Photo credit: Pierre Perusseau / Bestimage

Jordan Johnson

Award-winning entrepreneur. Baconaholic. Food advocate. Wannabe beer maven. Twitter ninja.

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