Justin Trudeau criticizes Meta’s information blocking

“[Meta refuse] to ensure local journalists are paid appropriately to inform and share the news with Canadians. Preferring to leave people at risk rather than sharing, they do their fair share in support of democracy and local journalism. It’s horrible.”



The Prime Minister of Canada spoke out against the parent company of Facebook and Instagram at a press conference on August 21. three days before remember The press, As tens of thousands of Canadians were urgently evacuated from areas affected by the fires, Ottawa had done so “urgent” called on Meta to end the blocking of Canadian news on its platforms, which violates Canada’s future Online Information Act, which will go into effect on the 1stum next December.

“They put their profits, the profits of their company, ahead of the welfare and information of Canadians.” Justin Trudeau continued.

“The law has been passed, but it is not yet implemented, so there is no good reason to justify these actions by Facebook,” added Canadian Culture Minister Pascale St-Onge in a statement. resumed from Radio Canada.

Hundreds of wildfires ravage Canada.
Hundreds of wildfires ravage Canada. International mail

An unknown speaker of Meta, Quoted by The press, responded to Justin Trudeau’s remarks: “Canadians continue to leverage our technologies in large numbers to connect with their community and access trusted information, including content from official government agencies, emergency services and non-governmental organizations.”.

According to Archie McLean, journalism professor at Mount Royal University, questioned by the globe and mail, Facebook is a vital communications link in the Northwest Territories and as such, Meta should enable: “at least temporarily”, the media to spread news on their platforms.

call for a boycott

Meanwhile, the national organization Friends of Broadcasting has called on Canadians to do so “Turn off meta”, Forward Toronto Sun, and stop posting on Facebook and Instagram for two days starting August 23. In an opinion resumed from The duty, says the organization’s executive director, Marla Boltman “The loss of many Canadian users, even for a short time, will be appealing [son] Attention. Most importantly, it gives Canadians an opportunity to vent their frustration and disappointment with Meta.”.

Jillian Snider

Extreme problem solver. Professional web practitioner. Devoted pop culture enthusiast. Evil tv fan.

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